45 lakh graduates jobless: Study report

The ranks of jobless Indians with Bachelor's and higher credentials swelled by 9% in the country between 2004 and 2012, says a study. In 2011-12, about 30% or 45 lakh of the 1.5 crore "completely unemployed" were graduates or more qualified, up from 21% in 2004-05, says Alakh N Sharma, director and professor, Institute for Human Development (IHD) which, along with the Indian Society of Labour Economics, has brought out the 2014 India labour and employment report. The first of a series of biennial publications, the report carries analyses of the changes in the labour market and employment since the onset of economic reforms in India. 

The educated unemployed include an "alarmingly" high proportion of women, even though they are fewer. "The unemployment rate among educated women is, on average, about 50% higher than men. In Bihar, it is more than 50% in both urban and rural areas. The economy is not able to generate jobs for educated people, especially women. Also, there has been no government policy to promote female employment," says Sharma. 

With the expansion of education facilities, more Indians are getting educated but the rate of job creation has not grown at the same pace, he explains. So, the outcome is, supply exceeds demand, adds Sharma. He points to the employability factor, too. "Most people have a general education. Only a small percentage of graduates are employable." 

"Although, overall, open (read: complete, as opposed to underemployment) unemployment is low, the problem of youth unemployment, particularly that of educated youth, is gradually becoming a major concern," the study says. "Put differently, the rate of unemployment among graduates (including technically trained), and diploma holders was around 18%." 

In addition, there is regional differentiation in access to formal or "good quality" work. A preliminary Employment Situation Index (ESI) prepared for the report shows that generally workers in the south and west India have greater access to such jobs than their central and eastern region compatriots. Himachal Pradesh tops the list, in particular due to its performance in relation to women's employment. Bihar ranks last.


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